for the above loan are invited. Members must have at least five years
continuous membership to be eligible. If a member is applying on behalf
of his child, he must be a member of the Society for at least ten
continuous years.
Applications forms are
available at the office and the closing date is 20 August 2015
The amount of load advances is subjected to the following limits;
For a 1 year course RM2,500.00
For a 2 year course RM5,000.00
For a 3 year course RM7,500.00
For a 4 year course RM10,000.00
For a 5 year course RM12,500.00
For a 6 year course RM15,000.00
The Education Loan Fund Panel will select recipients each year for this
loan and successful candidates will be notified in due course.