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MONTHLY BULLETIN - September 2016 - For Members Only

 Consumer Purchase Scheme - CPS

The Consumer Purchase Scheme allows members to purchase consumer products,  such as electrical appliances, computers, handphones and also go on Tours etc. We wish to remind members that this scheme also allows members to perform the Haj/Umrah or Pilgrimage to other religious places of members' choice and also to attend convocations (overseas) of members' children.

Please take note that the Tour scheme under CPS covers the following

  - Tours organised by Koperasi

  - Tours organised by other tour agents of members' choice

  - Immediate family members who wish to join the trips.

For tours organised by other tour agents of members' choice, members only need to produce tour fares charged by the tour agents and the birth certificates to confirm the relationship if the immediate family members wish to join the trips.

The maximum amount allowed under this scheme is RM10,000.00

 Retired Members To Top Up Subscriptions

A reminder to retired members regarding By-Law No.21(3)b. Please ensure that your subscriptions do not fall below RM1,100.00. If your subscription accounts are below RM1,100.00, please top them up. RM1,000.00 is the minimum subscription required to retain your membership and RM100.00 for deduction for the Death Benefit Fund)

This ruling is not applicable to retired members whose applications to continue membership were approved before December 1996.